Parish councils are responsible for managing their own budgets. They are financed through the precept, an amount of money calculated as an estimate for the coming financial year and collected as part of your Council Tax. This money is used to improve facilities and services for local people. Parish councils can also apply for other funding, such as grants and awards. Slyne with Hest Parish Council actively encourages input from residents on what the community needs, so that they can budget for that activity. Parish councils have a range of powers and duties in relation to the communities they serve. Information about the role of a parish councillor and guidance on standing for election can be found on the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) website which provides these publications:
The Parish Council has responsibility for specific areas within the Parish such as part of the shore, the recreation field, cemetery, and various open green spaces. It does not have responsibility for, nor is it able to fix problems such as potholes in roads or uneven pavements. Lancashire County Council should be contacted in relation to roads and footpaths. For further details and to report a problem please visit:
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