The hall calendar below displays a timetable of activities as well as showing when the hall may be free for bookings. Listings in blue = cafe area, red = main hall and green = entire hall.
Please enquire by email/phone to confirm availability.
Slyne-with-Hest Church Hall was built in 2019. It is run by trustees of a charity and intended for the benefit of the two churches involved in the construction and for the use of the wider community. Both St Luke's Anglican Church and Hest Bank United Reformed Church have contributed to the creation of this hall. St Luke's provided the site and the United Reformed Church were able to make available a generous legacy. The congregations of both churches have provided support to the project.
The hall contains three letting areas:- Main Hall 13.2 metres long by 9.2 metres. Café Space 13.2 metres long by 4.0 metres. Meeting Room 5.2 metres long by 3.7 metres. The Main Hall and Café Space are separated by a removable acoustic screen meaning the areas can be combined to offer a space of 13.2 metres long by 13.2 metres. A Catering Kitchen has serving hatches into both the Main Hall and Café Space. This is normally available to all hall users.
For further details please see the
Here you will find photographs and information in the first file 'Hire Information.'
To enquire about hiring the hall for regular bookings or one-off events, please contact
Please also see the Church Hall Facebook page for further information regarding events:
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