School website:
"Slyne-with-Hest St Luke's CE Primary School is a Church of England Primary school situated in the lovely village of Hest Bank, approx 3 miles north of Lancaster. We have 221 children on roll, aged 4 to 11.
The school prides itself on its caring and happy atmosphere. Children entering Slyne-with-Hest St. Luke's will grow together in a school that sets high standards. We aim to provide a stimulating, happy and caring Christian environment, in which you will feel confident and where your children will flourish.
The Diocesan Inspection of September 2016, which graded the school outstanding in all areas, said : 'The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners.'
Our dedicated and professional staff promote self confidence, self assurance and self discipline, but take care to couple this with excellent teaching, continuous monitoring of progress and consultation between pupils, teachers and parents. This is why our school has a well earned reputation for fulfilling the potential of our pupils to the full, whilst fully encouraging and nurturing those who develop less quickly.
The Ofsted inspection of May 2016 said: 'Pupils were unanimous in saying they feel very safe and well cared for in school', 'Since the previous inspection, pupils’ progress has continued to accelerate across the school. In 2015, all pupils made at least expected progress by the end of key stage 2. Attainment in both key stages 1 and 2 was above that expected for pupils of a similar age' and 'Your school’s self-evaluation and school development plans are of excellent quality and you use them effectively to ensure that everyone in school is clear about the direction in which they are heading'."
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