Slyne with Hest enjoys a large variety of community activities for its size. These include two children's playgrounds, tennis club, bowling club, football club, recreational field, St Luke's Church and Hest Bank United Reformed Church, a new Church Hall, the Memorial Hall, Primary School and Pre-School and the Scouting and Guiding Hut. Both the Memorial Hall and Church Hall offer a variety of activities such as dance and fitness groups, karate, a local history group, the Horticultural Society and regular community coffee mornings. Details/contact information are listed below. If you know of any groups who wish to be added to this list then please contact the Parish Clerk.
Memorial Hall - Doreen Brookes 01524 825464
Church Hall - Katie - 07506 880531
Mothers' Union Secretary: M Shackleton tel. 823018
Pre-School Manager: Claire Allington/Luke Smith - 01524 874331
Local History Group: Janet Westwell
Bowling Club - Ann Clegg tel: 01524 811002
Tennis Club - Liz Finley 01524 822068/07794041592
Football Club - 01524 822731
Over Sixties Club - Marjorie Bainbridge 01524 37094
Scouts and Guides
Bare and Hest Bank Ladies Luncheon Club Mrs. Liz Leach 01524 824350
Stage Struck - Rachel Whittle 01524 824214
The Art Group (Drawing, water colour etc) Contact Jean Palmer tel. 07913688825 e-mail
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